J Robbins is a magical master of recording! He recorded Pebble' and the Cannonballs To Hurt 7'' for us so we knew we wanted to go back to him for the new LP because we love how natural he is with his recordings. We did ask him to take on more of a 'producer' role for The Distance Is So Big because we felt like he started to really get what Lemuria's sound is and could put us in a good direction with what we wanted this record to be. He had a lot of great ideas, and all in all, let us do our thing, but gave us confidence that this album was/is going to be something really special for us. The album is much more poppy than most of the stuff we have done. The mood is much brighter. It’s for sure showcasing a different period of time for Lemuria.
Judging from Spin’s stream of the new track “Brilliant Dancer”, it seems like you and the band are trying some new things in regards to vocal melodies and instrumentation. How will the new album compare to older Lemuria material, specifically the last LP, Pebble?
The album, again, is much brighter than both previous albums. The Distance Is So Big is a really energetic album. We really wanted to record something that was going to transfer well live. Something that wasn't over-produced and too thick with layers. We did some added percussion and instrumentation that we haven't tried before and wanted to create a lot more vocal melodies and back up vocal parts that we could do live. Honestly, the vocal melodies for this new album are so hard for me to sing, but challenging in a good way. We put a lot of time into the vocal melodies for this record. Alex wrote most of the lyrics for the album, just like Pebble. He's got such a unique way of saying shit that most of us have trouble getting out, and his lyrics are totally relatable. I think this album has some of the best lyrics he has ever written. I am super proud to sing ‘em!
While Bridge 9 has been known as a predominately hardcore label, they have released more pop-oriented albums from Lemuria, Polar Bear Club and New Found Glory. What is the relationship like between the band and Bridge 9?
Bridge 9 has been really amazing to work with. They do so much for the bands that are on their label and really care about your bands opinions and values. We are so happy that we have had the opportunity to work with them and hope we can in the future as well.
The band has a short northeast run planned for May. What else is in store for Lemuria in 2013?
Ohhhh! So much good stuff is in store for Lemuria! Our album comes out on June 18th and around then we will be doing release shows in each of our home cities. (Washington D.C., Buffalo, and Austin, TX) Then we will head to the UK for a few weeks in July. A full US tour in August/September. The Fest in Gainesville, FL in October. So excited about all of it!